MKC Donates to County 4-H Programs
Dec 18, 2020

In 2020, MKC contributed $55,000 to Kansas 4-H programs to support leadership development events for young 4-H members in 22 counties. This year marks the 15th consecutive year for donations made to 4-H programs within the MKC footprint.
“This is a great opportunity for us to assist local 4-H organizations that play such a positive role in the lives of so many young people within our trade territory,” says Brad Stedman, MKC president and CEO. “It is exciting to think those same youth will be the future leaders of our communities.”
Funds totaling more than $230,000 have been donated to 4-H since 2006 with matched contributions from the Land O’ Lakes, Inc. Foundation.
This year, MKC made donations to Butler, Clay, Dickinson, Ellsworth, Gray, Harper, Harvey, Haskell, Kingman, Marion, McPherson, Meade, Morris, Ottawa, Pottawatomie, Reno, Rice, Riley, Saline, Seward, Sumner and Wabaunsee counties.
“This is a great opportunity for us to assist local 4-H organizations that play such a positive role in the lives of so many young people within our trade territory,” says Brad Stedman, MKC president and CEO. “It is exciting to think those same youth will be the future leaders of our communities.”
Funds totaling more than $230,000 have been donated to 4-H since 2006 with matched contributions from the Land O’ Lakes, Inc. Foundation.
This year, MKC made donations to Butler, Clay, Dickinson, Ellsworth, Gray, Harper, Harvey, Haskell, Kingman, Marion, McPherson, Meade, Morris, Ottawa, Pottawatomie, Reno, Rice, Riley, Saline, Seward, Sumner and Wabaunsee counties.