5 Benefits of Fall Burndown
Nov 09, 2021
Harvest may have come to an end, but that doesn’t mean weed control should end too. The period between
harvest and spring planting is prime time for winter annual weeds to take over your fields. Staying ahead of the game has many benefits, especially when it comes to fall burndown.
1. Weeds are smaller and easier to target
Utilizing fall burndown now means smaller weeds to manage in the Spring. Waiting until the spring could result in stronger, harder to control weeds, potentially resulting in a later planting date.
2. It saves time
Utilizing fall burndown now can free up time in the spring to focus on other work. It pays to be proactive when it comes to weed control, so be sure to start your fall burndown program now.
3. Protects your soils
Utilizing a fall burndown program can reduce the chance of soil compaction and may improve soil temperatures and moisture, especially on minimum or no-till operations.
4. Save on herbicides
As spring weeds grow, they require more herbicide to effectively control, resulting in more time and money spent controlling spring weeds.
5. Minimize pests
As weeds begin to grow, they provide a place for pests to hide. Minimizing the number of weeds in the field can result in fewer insects saving you time, money and stress down the road.
It’s never too early to start a weed management program like fall burndown and set yourself up for success in the future. To discuss fall burndown options, visit with your strategic account manager or local MKC location.

harvest and spring planting is prime time for winter annual weeds to take over your fields. Staying ahead of the game has many benefits, especially when it comes to fall burndown.
1. Weeds are smaller and easier to target
Utilizing fall burndown now means smaller weeds to manage in the Spring. Waiting until the spring could result in stronger, harder to control weeds, potentially resulting in a later planting date.
2. It saves time
Utilizing fall burndown now can free up time in the spring to focus on other work. It pays to be proactive when it comes to weed control, so be sure to start your fall burndown program now.
3. Protects your soils
Utilizing a fall burndown program can reduce the chance of soil compaction and may improve soil temperatures and moisture, especially on minimum or no-till operations.
4. Save on herbicides
As spring weeds grow, they require more herbicide to effectively control, resulting in more time and money spent controlling spring weeds.
5. Minimize pests
As weeds begin to grow, they provide a place for pests to hide. Minimizing the number of weeds in the field can result in fewer insects saving you time, money and stress down the road.
It’s never too early to start a weed management program like fall burndown and set yourself up for success in the future. To discuss fall burndown options, visit with your strategic account manager or local MKC location.