MKC Welcomes 2021 Summer Interns
May 24, 2021
College students across the country crave to get a taste of the “real world” waiting for them post-graduation, and for 13 students, MKC and TMA will be offering just that this summer.
For the next 11 weeks, students from Kansas, Oklahoma and Missouri will be mentored by successful professionals in their field of interest. MKC and TMA deeply value the opportunity to invest in those who will one day become leaders in the agricultural industry.
The 13 interns will be partaking in real-world, hands-on experience as they learn applicable skills to ensure the future of the agricultural industry continues to thrive. Interns were selected earlier this spring from surrounding colleges including Kansas State University, Fort Hays State University, Hutchinson Community College, Missouri State University, Pittsburgh State University, Oklahoma Panhandle State University and Oklahoma State University.
In late April, a virtual meeting was held to introduce students to their peers and allow for advice to be given by previous interns. Four weeks later, the interns began in-person orientation on May 19 at the MKC Training Center in Moundridge. Upon arrival, they were welcomed by Hilary Worcester, MKC coordinator of talent and industry partnerships. Interns kicked off their first day with impactful messages from MKC company leaders, including Brad Stedman, CEO; Anne Warren, CHRO; Ted Schultz, TMA COO; Dave Spears, CMO; Erik Lange, COO; and Danny Posch, CFO. Each executive leader spoke on their professional career paths, none of which were a straight line that led to their current employment through MKC. They provided thought-provoking conversations through words of encouragement and advice, inspiring interns to think in a mindset such as “How can you make a difference in my job every day?” and taking every opportunity available through MKC this summer.
Interns also heard from Bill Sroufe as he explained the company’s four keys: safety, courtesy, image and innovation. Scott Biel later emphasized his role in risk management practices and ensuring the company’s first key, safety, remains first and foremost in the minds of employees. Nichole Gouldie, communications and brand manager, spoke on the importance on company brand image, tips and tricks for promoting the company on personal media pages and the various ways communication is utilized at MKC.
On the following day, interns arrived at their summer locations and spent the morning meeting co-workers, touring their respective facilities and reviewing policies and procedures. Mentors and their interns then spent the afternoon comparing predictive indexes, personal development charts and creating development plans for the first six weeks. Interns were also informed about their summer project plans that will be presented to the company at the end of their internship in early August.
Interns will be attending Co-op 101 hosted by the Kansas Cooperative Council in Manhattan, Kansas, on May 25-26 to hear from industry leaders and network with other interns from surrounding co-ops and colleges.
Stay up to date with intern endeavors through social media takeovers and intern blog posts published throughout the summer.

The 13 interns will be partaking in real-world, hands-on experience as they learn applicable skills to ensure the future of the agricultural industry continues to thrive. Interns were selected earlier this spring from surrounding colleges including Kansas State University, Fort Hays State University, Hutchinson Community College, Missouri State University, Pittsburgh State University, Oklahoma Panhandle State University and Oklahoma State University.
In late April, a virtual meeting was held to introduce students to their peers and allow for advice to be given by previous interns. Four weeks later, the interns began in-person orientation on May 19 at the MKC Training Center in Moundridge. Upon arrival, they were welcomed by Hilary Worcester, MKC coordinator of talent and industry partnerships. Interns kicked off their first day with impactful messages from MKC company leaders, including Brad Stedman, CEO; Anne Warren, CHRO; Ted Schultz, TMA COO; Dave Spears, CMO; Erik Lange, COO; and Danny Posch, CFO. Each executive leader spoke on their professional career paths, none of which were a straight line that led to their current employment through MKC. They provided thought-provoking conversations through words of encouragement and advice, inspiring interns to think in a mindset such as “How can you make a difference in my job every day?” and taking every opportunity available through MKC this summer.
Interns also heard from Bill Sroufe as he explained the company’s four keys: safety, courtesy, image and innovation. Scott Biel later emphasized his role in risk management practices and ensuring the company’s first key, safety, remains first and foremost in the minds of employees. Nichole Gouldie, communications and brand manager, spoke on the importance on company brand image, tips and tricks for promoting the company on personal media pages and the various ways communication is utilized at MKC.
On the following day, interns arrived at their summer locations and spent the morning meeting co-workers, touring their respective facilities and reviewing policies and procedures. Mentors and their interns then spent the afternoon comparing predictive indexes, personal development charts and creating development plans for the first six weeks. Interns were also informed about their summer project plans that will be presented to the company at the end of their internship in early August.
Interns will be attending Co-op 101 hosted by the Kansas Cooperative Council in Manhattan, Kansas, on May 25-26 to hear from industry leaders and network with other interns from surrounding co-ops and colleges.
Stay up to date with intern endeavors through social media takeovers and intern blog posts published throughout the summer.